Ventana Nha Trang Hotel
"VENTANA" in Spanish means "window" - this is also the highlight of VENTANA Hotel in Nha Trang when all hotel rooms are equipped with large windows with panoramic views. overview of the beautiful coastal city of Nha Trang; make sure each room is a spacious, airy and light resort space.
Located at 127/5 Nguyen Thien Thuat - the central street is like a "Western Quarter" with bustling shopping and entertainment areas, VENTANA Hotel is the perfect choice for travelers on every trip. vacation or business trip to Nha Trang. From the hotel, it is very convenient for visitors to go to the entertainment, entertainment or famous tourist attractions of the city.
VENTANA Nha Trang Hotel is built scale of 22 floors and 98 rooms with full of high-class resort amenities such as Asian - European Restaurant, Pool Bar, infinity pool, Gym , Spa, Sauna - Sauna, etc. .. In addition, VENTANA Nha Trang Hotel also owns a luxurious banquet hall suitable for conferences, seminars and events.
With the motto "difference from service", visitors to VENTANA Hotel will experience a warm, luxurious resort space together with a class of service, dedicated and attentive.

Ventana Nha Trang Hotel
127/5 Nguyen Thien Thuat, Loc Tho, Nha Trang City
Tel: 02583908989